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New Year, Same You

New Year, Same You

2021 was objectively rough. From covid-19 remaining a threat, to general global uncertainty and financial hardship, we can all pat ourselves on the back for making it through it. In speaking to the nomadic community, it’s evident that things have been difficult, for a vast variety of reasons.

While a new year comes with new opportunities and a clean slate, we seem forced to bring some of the issues that we faced as a population with us into 2022. This can feel both frustrating and daunting, which is why we decided to also think about the good things that we would be taking with us, to better balance things out.


A different New Year’s Resolution

This year we encourage you to reflect on the good things in your life, whether personal or professional, and bring those things with you into 2022. Perhaps you found a new relationship, dedicated more time to family, got new exciting challenges at work, adopted a pet, or developed a new hobby. Whatever those good things are, don’t leave them behind as we buckle up to tackle a fresh set of challenges now, in addition to a couple that are lingering from 2021. If we have to bring some of the issues that we faced in 2021 with us into the new year, it only makes sense to remind ourselves of the good things we carry with us as well.

So, here’s to a new year, and the same you!